
poetry action group

is a collection and a collective of people and media

is to see to hear touch to kiss to die

poetry is

to act


we are

i am

Bianca Hein is a Bremen based artist and theoretician, poet, performer and mother of two. After studying general humanities in Marburg/Lahn, she continuied her studies in Hamburg with a focus on theory and history (Hans-Joachim Lenger) and scenarios of artistic practice/ mediology (Michael Haller). Freelance radio work as an author and speaker (FSK), experimental noise and music projects (including NLAVB, INTERSTELLAR NIGHTMARE), intensive choir and ensemble activities were followed by theater projects in East Germany with own pieces (BEAUTYLAND / 2018) and piece developments (ZEITMATERIALANALYSEN / 2017; ICH SCHWEIGE NICHT / 2016) as an author, director and performer at the Chemnitz Theater, where she worked as an assistant director. Since 2019 drum / voice duo projects with Björn Lücker (SCHILLERBETON; DAS SCHWALBENBUCH) and since 2020 collaboration with Ingrid Hoelzl and General Humanity (Les cerfs en ville/Animal Anstestors (2020), FUTURE EVE (2022), PAN/EROS (2023).

Practicing martial arts for around 20 years, she explores Taiji as a basis to examine its practical and philosophical integration of body, soul and Spirit - and thus its potential for art. In addition to her own artistic practice, she organizes events for other artists and musicians and passes on her experience in martial arts to children and grown ups.

She organizes BLACKBOX POETRY based at Ledigenheim, Hamburg, where she investigates i poetry from a multichannel perspective through music, word and image.

Bianca Hein investigates the typology of contemporary video poetry.